When should I announce pregnancy?

When should I announce pregnancy? I’ve heard this question a lot, especially from those who have experienced pregnancy loss like me. Some people wait until they’ve had a good ultrasound. Others wait until the second trimester, or until a good anatomy…

Aspirin for Trying to Conceive and Pregnancy

Low dose aspirin (81 mg/day), also known as baby aspirin, can be used preventatively for several different reasons before and during pregnancy. Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that reduces inflammation and also affects the way blood clots. Some…

What you should know about the Home Fetal Doppler

A home fetal doppler is a hand held device for pregnant women to listen to the fetal heart rate. These devices are similar to the fetal dopplers used by the OB, midwife, or nurse for listening to the baby’s heartbeat…

What is methyl folate?

If you are trying to conceive (TTC) or pregnant, you’ve probably heard of folate or folic acid. But do you know what folate does? Did you realize that some prenatal supplements contain folic acid, but others contain a form of…

Is Spotting or Bleeding During Pregnancy Normal?

Frantically searching the Internet to find out how worried you should be about spotting or bleeding during pregnancy? I’ve been there too. Spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not “normal”. But you can have spotting or bleeding and still have…

How to cope with pregnancy after loss

If you’ve read a bit about me, you know that I’ve had one living child, followed by 3 missed miscarriages, a chemical pregnancy, and another miscarriage (learn more about my miscarriage experiences here). And here I am, pregnant again and waiting.…